“What-if” Planning Blog

How Hurricanes Answer the Question, “Should I Have an End-of-Life Plan?”
Financial, Legal, Mental/Emotional/Spiritual, Practical Prepare Your Affairs Financial, Legal, Mental/Emotional/Spiritual, Practical Prepare Your Affairs

How Hurricanes Answer the Question, “Should I Have an End-of-Life Plan?”

Tropical storm Hilary hitting California is a reminder that disasters can strike anywhere at any time. It should also serve as motivation to have our affairs in order through end-of-life planning to protect family members from unnecessary hardships when an accident or illness impacts your family.

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Term versus Permanent
Financial Prepare Your Affairs Financial Prepare Your Affairs

Term versus Permanent

For most people, life insurance should be a key component of your end-of-life plans. It can play a huge role in easing the burden of death by allowing the surviving spouse to hire others to help with day-to-day tasks and/or replace lost income and keep paying the bills. The two main types of life insurance are described in this blog.

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Planning for a Funeral
Financial, Mental/Emotional/Spiritual Prepare Your Affairs Financial, Mental/Emotional/Spiritual Prepare Your Affairs

Planning for a Funeral

Whether it’s called a funeral, memorial, or celebration of life, honoring the deceased is a custom upheld by most families and communities. Many decisions must be made to prepare for and carry out a service. What happens to the body? Where will the remains reside? What kind of casket or urn is desired? Though each of these components could be a blog all by themselves, this week’s blog addresses what may be the driving force behind how you answer each these questions -- cost.

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