“What-if” Planning Blog

Is Preparing Emotionally and Mentally Possible?
Mental/Emotional/Spiritual Prepare Your Affairs Mental/Emotional/Spiritual Prepare Your Affairs

Is Preparing Emotionally and Mentally Possible?

No matter how prepared a family may be for the death of a loved one, grief will come, and it will manifest itself in different ways for different people. It’s hard to predict how one will grieve because so much of it will depend on your relationship to the deceased, the circumstances of their death, and even your own life situation at the moment your loved one dies. So that begs the question, how can a person prepare emotionally and mentally for the death of another?

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How and Why We Grieve Differently
Practical, Mental/Emotional/Spiritual Prepare Your Affairs Practical, Mental/Emotional/Spiritual Prepare Your Affairs

How and Why We Grieve Differently

Grief is a complex word, which makes it the perfect description of the emotions we face when a loved one dies. Most of us can articulate a definition, but if you closely observe ten different people who are grieving, you’ll discover ten different types of behaviors, emotions, and attitudes. In this week’s tip, we’ll discuss how and why we grieve so differently.

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Holiday and Birthday Traditions
Practical, Mental/Emotional/Spiritual Prepare Your Affairs Practical, Mental/Emotional/Spiritual Prepare Your Affairs

Holiday and Birthday Traditions

Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and other special traditions are the worst for anyone who is grieving. These are painful reminders that a loved one isn’t around to help make the occasion special. In this week’s tip we’ll discuss what we’ve learned about preparing for and honoring these events after our spouses passed.

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